Thursday, October 9, 2008

If I Were Teaching the Class...

Objective: To help students see how the khutbah (Friday sermon) helps Muslims understand Allah SWT's instructions given in the Holy Qur'an.

Directions: Read the title and instructions. Ask students to think about a Quranic story they could teach to others. It could be a story about one of the prophets. Compare this activity to what the Imam does in his khutbah. Give volunteers an opportunity to "teach" their lesson to the class.

Title: If I Were Teaching the Class...

Instructions: Pretend that you are going to teach a lesson to help your Muslim brothers and sisters learn the Holy Qur'an. Write or tell how you would finish these sentences to use them in your lesson.

In my lesson, I'd like to tell you a Quranic story about a prophet named.... (peace be upon him).

Here is what this prophet (peace be upon him) did:

In this story, we learn that Allah SWT is...

We also learn that Allah SWT wants us to...

I like this story because...

Remember this story when you...

1 comment:

IvanskiMkd said...

i absolutely loved this lesson and will use it with my sunday school class. thanks so much!