Sunday, October 12, 2008


Time Frame: 90 minutes

Summary:Stress is a basic part of life. The way in which we deal with stress will make our lives pleasant and comfortable or leave us stressed and incapable of performing our obligations to the best of our abilities.

Objective: Students will participate in activities that help increase their self-awareness, values, goals and decision-making strategies.

Materials:Biodots, relaxation tape/CD/video, modeling clay, student handouts,

Intended Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will identify causes of stress.
2. Define symptoms of stress.
3. Examine positive forms of stress management.

Instructional Procedures:Follow instructions found in the teacher information attachment.
stress.docTeacher information and lesson outline for teaching stress,
Ways_to_handle_stress.docStudent handout listing ways to handle stress.
score_your_stress.docAre you stressed? Student handout to figure stress level of an individual.
stress_tally.docStudent assignment: Students will write down causes of stress, ways they deal with stress, etc.
stress_pp.pptPowerpoint presentation to follow the lecture on stress.

Web Sites
Life Stress Tests Take the stress test to find out your stress level.
Womens Media Tells how to identify signs of stress in yourself and techniques to use to reduce the stress.

Bibliography:Utah Curriculum Guide


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