Saturday, October 11, 2008

Personality Development

Life Skill: Thinking & Reasoning; Communication; Social and Civic Responsibility; Employability

Time Frame: 45 minutes

Summary:This lesson reviews personalities; how they are developed, how they influence our lives and what we are like, etc.

Objective: Discuss values, goals, decision-making and personal responsibility.

Materials:A kaleidoscope, a Bingo worksheet, and various supplies as needed according to the chosen activities.

Background For Teachers:Pass around a kaleidoscope and have the students look in it (or use overhead transparencies of changing kaleidoscope patterns). Discuss the analogy that people are like kaleidoscope designs. Have students give reasons why they agree or disagree with this analogy.

Intended Learning Outcomes:Students will understand the meaning of personality and how it influences their lives.

Instructional Procedures:


Have students identify their needs--things they must have in order to sustain life. Divide the blackboard into two sections and record the students’ answers on the left half of the board. Then ask them to identify their wants, or things they desire, but don’t need in order to live. Record their answers on the right half of the board. Discuss why needs are necessary for survival. Point out that wants are not basic to survival. Go back over the list to see whether or not any wants appeared on the needs list. Discuss the differences.


Students complete the handout by finding someone in the class who has a similar characteristic; the classmate then signs his/her name in the appropriate square. Discuss similarities and differences among the class members and ask them why some people fear or dislike others who are different. See the Similarities and Differences Bingo file for the worksheet. Suggestions for other characteristics: • Ethnic background • Favorite music artist • Favorite sport • Favorite season of the year


Without identifying themselves, have students complete some or all of the following unfinished sentences. Later, collect and discuss them with the class.
• I feel best when people . . .
• My strongest point is . . .
• My weakest point is . . .
• Right now I feel . . .
• If people really knew me . . .
• The best thing about adolescence is . . .
• The most difficult part about being an adolescent is . . .

Use three different, brightly colored boxes (or sacks). Have the students pretend that these boxes are magical and may contain whatever they choose. Ask the students what the boxes might contain; if the contents are needs or wants, and what the choices reveal about one's values. (You may want students to write suggestions on post-it pads)

Choose wrapped candy that comes in many different flavors. Randomly pass out the candy to students. Ask them how they like the flavors given to them. Tie their answers into the fact that each candy, like each person, is unique in taste and characteristics. Let the students keep or exchange their candies for flavors they prefer.


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